Coughlin Marysville Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAM

Dec 8, 2023
An auto repair service technician fixing tires.

Tires need to be in good shape to ensure you keep moving safely and efficiently. Wondering if it’s time for new tires from the Chrysler dealer? Let’s take a look at some signs.

You’re Losing Air Pressure

Let’s start with a sneaky little sign that something is wrong with your tires: losing air pressure. If you find yourself frequently inflating your tires, this could be a hint that they are slowly giving up. Consistently low tire pressure is often a sign of a slow leak, which could be due to a puncture or a problem with the tire valve.

The Age Factor

The age of your tires is easy to overlook, but tires age like any other component, and, with time, they lose their elasticity and effectiveness. Most tire manufacturers recommend getting a new set of tires every six years, regardless of how good they look on the outside. Older tires can fail unexpectedly, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Vibration and Unwanted Rumbling

Have you been feeling more vibration than usual while driving, especially on roads that should be smooth? This could be your vehicle telling you that the tires are unbalanced or damaged. Excessive vibration can also indicate misalignment or internal tire issues.

Cracks and Cuts

Next time you’re up close and personal with your tires, check for cracks, cuts, or grooves in the sidewall. These might seem like minor issues, but they can lead to air leaks or, worse, a tire blowout.

Bulges and Blisters

Bulges and blisters on the tire surface are like warning bumps on the road. They signal that something is wrong underneath. These weak spots can lead to sudden blowouts, which are as dangerous as they sound. Damage of this type is a red flag, and these tires should be replaced immediately.

Tread Depth

Here’s a classic test that never goes out of style: the penny test. Insert a penny into the tread groove with Lincoln’s head facing down. If you can see the top of Lincoln’s head, it’s time to bid those tires farewell. Tire tread is essential for proper traction, so balding tires need to be replaced as soon as possible.

Pick Up New Tires at the Chrysler Dealer

If you notice any of these signs, consider it a nudge to visit your local dealership. Getting a new set of tires is more than a maintenance task, it’s an investment in your vehicle’s health and your peace of mind.

Keep those tires in top condition to continue enjoying the journey in your beloved vehicle. Call Coughlin Marysville Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAM to have your tires inspected today.